The main menus were as follows: chemical compositions edit menu, prices edit menu, level of ingredients limitation edit menu, nutrients limitation edit menu, feed name edit menu, starting Solver menu, least cost feed formula preview menu, checking nutrients of feed formula menu, least cost feed formula preview menu feed formula print menu, file save menu and program exit menu. Program working was controlled by macro menus, which comprised 12 main menus and other sub menus. Poultry Feed Formulation SoftwareĪND1 Program had been designed to formulate least cost feed by using Linear Model of Excel Solver.

However, the cost of feed formula calculated by AND1 Program was higher the Brill Program (3.29 VS 3.25 Baht/kg) as well as calculation time consume. The number and quantity of ingredients in feed formula of AND1 Program when compared with Brill Program were almost the same. The nutrient level in the formula restricted between minimum and maximum value. Least cost feed was formulated under the conditions of nutrient limitation of feed formula, prices and chemical compositions of ingredients including the quantity of ingredient limitation. AND1 Program had been designed to formulate least cost feed by using Linear Model of Excel Solver.